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VPN Use Gets a Fatwa: Pakistan Declares Virtual Private Networks ‘Un-Islamic

ISLAMABAD (Daily Pakistan Online) The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) has declared the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) un-Islamic, citing concerns over their misuse in accessing immoral or blasphemous content. CII Chairman Dr. Raghib Hussain Naeemi stated that the government is religiously authorized to take measures to block access to such content, emphasizing that restricting access to unethical material aligns with Islamic principles ¹.

Dr. Naeemi argued that using VPNs to bypass restrictions or access prohibited websites is “impermissible in Islamic law” and urged the government to enforce limitations on platforms that undermine societal values or violate legal boundaries. He noted that VPNs could facilitate illegal activities, including digital theft, without accountability due to the concealment of user identity ¹.

The CII chairman also referenced recommendations made by the council during a meeting on May 3, 2023, addressing the misuse of social media. He stressed the need for swift action by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority and the Federal Investigation Agency to expedite the registration process for social media websites ¹.

In a related development, the Interior Ministry has asked the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) to block unauthorized VPNs nationwide, citing concerns over their misuse in terrorist activities and accessing inappropriate content

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